Trinidad and Tobago

General Service Office - L.P. #52 Rivulet Road - Brechin Castle - Couva - 868 - 672 - 5359

Click on the Island your are interested in Trinidad and Tobago



AA groups with scheduled meetings in Tinidad are

Central Intergroup  
Port of Spain Intergroup  
Southern Intergroup  

Central Intergroup meets at the S.N.M. Building, Cor. Galt St & Main Road, Montrose, Chaguanas, Trinidad.

To contact the Group please call 868 - 665 - 1251 for meeting information



Port of Spain Intergroup of AA can be contacted via:

Phone: (868) 623-0939



Please check the local website for the most current information on meetings:


Southern Intergroup can be contacted by calling 868 - 758 - 2844 for meeting information
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AA groups with scheduled meetings in Tobago are

Bon-Accord Group
Perceverance Group

Bon-Accord Group meets at the Bon-Accord Government School, Bon-Accord, Tobago. See schedule below.

To contact the Bon-Accord Group please call Lesley at 868 - 639 - 8235 or Sanchez at 868 - 639 - 9121

Tuesday Bon-Accord Government School, Bon-Accord, Tobago. 5:00pm

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Perceverance Group meets at the The Fairfield Complex, Bacolet, Street, Scarborough, Tobago. See schedule below.

To contact the Perseverance Group please call Judy at 868 - 660 - 5668 or Sanchez at 868 - 639 - 9121

Sunday The Fairfield Complex, Bacolet, Street, Scarborough, Tobago 3:00pm
Thursday The Fairfield Complex, Bacolet, Street, Scarborough, Tobago 5:00pm

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